Courage Crossroads

Onze Reizen

Travel together to the crossroads of your outer and inner journey and let the outer journey be a mirror of your inner path.

This part of our website is in English as we offer our journeys to an international crowd. When a group consists of only Dutch participants, the trip will be in Dutch.

Spiritual journey & retreat to the Bosnian Pyramids & Tunnels

Join us on this amazing 9-Day MultiD Journey to the Bosnian Pyramid Complex in Visoko.

The Bosnian Pyramids are the oldest and largest pyramids found on earth thus far, a true powerplace that is awakening more and more and supporting us in our own awakening process.


Every day we will be visiting another hotspot, like the Sun, Moon and Dragon Pyramids, Tumulus and of course the Ravne Tunnels. We will meditate, chant, sing heartfelt lyrics, drum, do healing work for ourselves and for Mother Earth. Wherever we go Esther will channel multidimensional beings who live in the complex and at times our own guides. You will receive wisdom and personal activations.

It is such an amazing place. Every day will be another magical surprise…

In the regrettable event that you have to cancel your trip – we hope not – please let us know and be aware that the following policy applies:

  • If you cancel more than 90 days prior to the starting date, your payment will be refunded minus the €250,- down payment.
  • Cancellation 30-90 days prior to the starting date: 50% of your payment will be reimbursed.
  • If you have to cancel later, we cannot provide a full refund, as we have agreements with our partners in Bosnia. You may want to consider having travel cancellation insurance for this situation.


We like you to take part in the entire journey and travel together as a group. Of course, you may decide along the way that you would like to skip parts of the program. Know that in that case we cannot provide refunds for individual parts of the journey.

Outside of this official policy, we love to see if we can come up with a mutually satisfying solution together. If someone else can take your place for example, we are more than happy to refund you your money. This can be someone you suggest or someone from our waiting list, if any.

Journey cancellation/postponement policy

In the unfortunate event that we have to cancel or postpone/change the journey for any reason, you may choose between transferring your full payment to a later event or requesting a full refund. Do know that we cannot cover any of your expenses incurred in preparation for this canceled journey, such as airline tickets, loss of work and/or other costs preparing for your trip.

Do you feel the calling to join?

Click on one of the journeys below and we will send you a registration form for you to fill out. We travel with a group of maximum 6 participants to have the right balance of personal space, depth and attention. If all participants are Dutch, the language of this journey will be Dutch too (except for some local guidance).

We are really looking forward to welcoming you on this trip and making this journey of a lifetime together.

Upcoming trips to Bosnia

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Spiritual Journey to Celtic Ireland

August 2022 we traveled around the mystical country of Ireland, visiting ancient standing stone circles, passage graves & cairns a.o. Exploring the beauty and magic of nature, aligning deeply with our inner being and recreating a harmonic resonance with Mother Earth, we tuned into her energies and profound wisdom to envision global healing and transformation.

A journey about reaffirming our purpose and direction in life to move on with confidence, joy and dedication to our sacred calling, with love as our inner guide.

We may organize this journey again. If you are interested and want to know more, do contact us.


Bedankt voor een week Awakening onder de vleugels van jullie aandacht en zorg. Annabel is een vlinder die me vol energie en enthousiasme begeleidde tijdens de yoga lessen. Zij is een doener en ziet snel waarmee je worstelt tijdens de houdingen en komt helpen. 

Christophe is een weloverwogen mens die veel warmte uitstraalt. Hij laat je in je waarde. Als mens voel je je gezien, gehoord en gevoeld door hem. De coaching, reflectie en meditatie waren innerlijke feestmomenten voor me. 

De dynamiek was afwisselend en zij vulden elkaar mooi aan waarbij ze continu aansloten bij onze behoeftes en wensen tijdens deze intensieve week.

Dank jullie wel dat ik mezelf mocht zijn en richting een vernieuwde versie van mezelf mag toewerken.


Bovenstaande foto’s laten je de sfeer proeven van onze Opstellingen & Yoga reis naar Spanje die we in het verleden hebben gemaakt. We zijn van plan deze reis opnieuw te gaan maken. Wil je dan mee? Schrijf je in voor onze nieuwsbrief om op de hoogte te blijven.


In onze agenda kun je al het moois dat we aanbieden vinden.

Voor individuele sessies kun je los contact met ons opnemen.